
Modifying EKS Kubernetes Pod Application Behavior with AWS AppConfig Feature Flags

The AWS AppConfig team recently released a container image for an AppConfig Agent that can be used as a sidecar in your Kubernetes pod or your ECS task to simplify feature management for cloud native applications on AWS. I decided to take the agent for a spin to see if it was as simple to integrate with containers as it is to integrate AppConfig with Lambda functions...

Posted April 5, 2023 by Trevor Roberts Jr ‐ 9 min read

Automating AWS Infrastructure Deployment with Pulumi

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables consistent and reliable infrastructure deployments while reducing human error due to handcrafting resources with Infrastructure as Point-and-Click (IaPaC). I've used CloudFormation, CDK, and Terraform in the past, and they work well. However, I recently heard about Pulumi, and I used it to deploy the AWS resources for my AppConfig automation. Check out my experiences in this blog...

Posted March 16, 2023 by Trevor Roberts Jr ‐ 4 min read